Author Services » WriteClub

WriteClub is an author mentoring service where I help you to achieve your writing aims. Some people might call it Author Mentoring, I call it WriteClub!

Whatever point you are at with your writing, I can help you reach the next level.

Get Motivated—Get Writing!

WriteClub provides you with:

  • A bespoke questionnaire to identify your preferred learning method and writing goals
  • A custom one-to-one video meeting to talk through where you are, what you are struggling with, and how to get you to the next level—all based on the style of learning you prefer and at a time to suit you
  • Help with getting started, finding the time to write, keeping motivated, and finishing your book
  • How to get your book published—either the traditional route of Agents and Publishers, or the Self-Publishing route
  • Promotion and how to get your book seen/found
  • Writing critiques by me and/or a group of fellow authors to identify where your work is strong, and areas that can be improved further.
  • Self editing and how to know when your book is ready for a professional editor or publication


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