
Do you struggle to find time
for your writing at home or always put it off until tomorrow?

Do you wish there was an easy way to find authors to give feedback and help you with your stories or poetry?

If this sounds like you,
then WriteClub might be the answer you have been searching for.


We take writers of all levels and across all genres, but try to keep you in small enough groups that there is always time for everyone to ask questions, read their work, and get quality feedback from your peers.

Each session is chaired by an Amazon Best Selling Author – That’s me. This ensures the session stays focused and everyone gets their turn as we go through the different phases of the meeting. Don’t be worried, we’re all really nice people and it’s a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere – no stuffy business meetings here!

Any questions or queries can be aired between writing sprints – we use the Pomodoro method (25 mins of writing, followed by a 5 minute break).

We’ve found this makes for enough time for people to engage with their writing and then time for a short discussion, comfort break, or to make a cup of tea/coffee before the next 25 min sprint.

At the end of the final sprint we have time for people to read what they have written – if they want to. Nobody is going to force you, especially if you’ve struggled with the subject, but we hope people are happy to show some of what they have achieved, even if they just talk about the ideas they are thinking about.

From there, we chat if there’s time left and then we wrap up the writing meeting and everyone heads home. The idea being that they take what they have started and complete it to a more finished level ready to review at the next meeting. Some people may want to present something else at that meeting for review such as an ongoing work in progress.

That’s fine, we just tend to aim for a maximum of 2,500 words to ensure there is time to go around the whole group. This piece needs to be sent through to your group prior to the review meeting to ensure everyone has enough time to read through and make their comments. This speeds things up on the night, when we only discuss the main issues, leaving any minor typo’s and grammar issues noted in the original word document.

At the end of the night, everyone sends their comments to the author so they can pick up on all the minor issues as well as any major ones, and means they don’t need to take notes during the meeting. Easy for everyone.


The first rule of WriteClub is:
We do not talk about WriteClub.

The second rule of WriteClub is:
We DO NOT talk about WriteClub.

Okay, Fight Club joke aside, we organise group sessions based around giving you dedicated time to spend writing.

Something you put into your calendar and can then have the best part of two hours to spend working on a writing prompt for that evening.

We try to run group sessions so they are internationally time friendly so you should be able to find a group which suits your time requirements and fits your lifestyle.

So What Next?

You like the idea. You’re all ready to sign up and join a group, but you have a few more questions that you’re not sure about…

That’s what our Frequently Asked Questions section comes to the rescue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ 1: aaa (these should be expandable and on a new page)

FAQ 2: bbb

FAQ 3: etc.


  • Proofreading
  • Editing – Line Edit, Structural Edit
  • Cover Design and/or review
  • Interior Book Design (eBook + Physical)
  • Amazon Keyword Analysis for KDP
  • Book Upload to digital providers such as Amazon, Apple, Kobo, etc.

WriteClub is an author mentoring service where we help you to achieve your writing aims. Some people might call it Author Mentoring, I like to call it WriteClub!

The rules are simple, and it's all about getting you motivated to either start writing, continue writing, or improve your writing and get something finished and out there for the world to see.

If you don't know where or how to start - Call WriteClub
If you are stuck in a funk and don't know how to move forward - Call WriteClub
Pretty much anything that is holding you back from getting that book out into the world - Call WriteClub.

I will discuss your book with you and provide you with a plan to take your writing to the next level. If you are stuck or lost and don't know where to turn, then let me help out with a tried and tested series of questions and face-to-face discussions to get you motivated.