So it’s #FogboundFriday again, and this week I want to tell you all about… Cue drumroll…
Fogbound: Empire in Flames.
Now some of you may be thinking, just a minute, I’ve heard of this mythical novel, where the hell has it been? Well to let you into a no-so-secret secret. It’s been doing the rounds with the publishers and agents in the forlorn hope of someone foolish enough to pick it up and give me the great news that they wanted to represent it.
However – Reality Check!!! So it’s not hit the right person at the right time and this leads me back to my original route of self publishing.
Now it’s been a good few months since I was at that point – 6 or 7 probably – what have I been doing all that time, you may ask. Well, it’s been a busy and productive time. Almost all of the time I’ve been pushing the book out to the publishing industry, I’ve continued polishing the edit and now – finally I am at the end of the process and it’s complete as a book and ready to go to print.
So this announcement is all about letting you in on the plan for launch on Amazon via Kindle.
The target date is the end of July 2019 – this year!
That gives me a month to do some preparatory marketing. I’m still learning the ins and outs of e-marketing for an amazon book launch so bear with me.
In other news
Affinity Publisher is LIVE!!! – The third member of the Affinity products is now available with amazing layout ability and unbelievable interoperability between all three apps in Studio mode.
In effect this means, in your publisher doc, you decide one of the images needs a bit of tinkering – instead of having to leave and open Affinity photo, you can just click the Photo link and you instantly have affinity photo icons and operation there in your publisher file – believe me, it’s really, really impressive. And another amazing product that’s sub £40 rather than the usual £400 or so for an Adobe product. Keep up the great work Serif.
Check it out for yourself at
OK, that’s all for now, so until next time, Be Splendid to one another.
#Steampunk #Fogbound #FogboundFriday