So I just got Peter McLean’s (@PeteMC666) latest—Priest of Gallows. This is one of my favourite fantasy series of all time but it does leave me with a huge dilemma.
I am five chapters into Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir of The Martian fame. I am loving it, loved The Martian, though Artemis fell a bit flat for me – So what to do?
Do I push on through to the end then pick up the further adventures of Tomas Piety? Can I really wait that long? And what about the other amazing books piling up?
Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne (epic Viking fantasy with a Fecking huge dragon on the cover!)
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir – An amazing sounding SciFi that may even surpass the Martian.
Day Zero by Robert Cargill. This is the prequel to possibly my favourite book of all time—Sea of Rust.
Priest of Gallows by Peter McLean—the continuing adventures of Tomas Piety and his Pious Men.
So what the hell to do about it all? Damn all of you evil authors for bringing out your amazing books around the time I’m ready for something new and Epic to read!
So I’ve gritted my teeth and taken a stance.
It’s time to Move over Mister Weir – Priest of Gallows is Here!
Yeah, I feel good about that.
But how the hell am I going to choose what to read after this one?