It’s #FogboundFriday once again, and today I want to talk about…
98% Complete – The Final Weekend of writing
Yes it’s the final weekend of writing on the First Draft. I have just two chapters to complete over the weekend and then it will be into the world of editing for Fogbound.
I am hoping to complete the initial edit the following week and may be in a position to release the story to both the Beta Readers and to my Editor for review.
Exciting times.
Titles and Subtitles
The other area I am playing with is the use of a subtitle for the first book – currently I am liking Fogbound – Empire in Flames.
But still not fully decided. As this is envisioned as the first of a three-book series, I am liking the idea of a subtitle to show it’s position in the Fogbound series. What do you think?
Affinity Publisher Beta released
It was with great excitement that I heard that Affinity Publisher has been released as a Beta. I’ve been waiting for some time for this as an alternative to Adobe’s offering, InDesign.
I have been a huge fan of Affinity’s other software, Photo and Designer and with their current pricing policy we should expect Publisher to follow suit, appearing around the £35 mark when it’s released later this year/next.
To take a look at what is happening with these great pieces of software, check out their website –
So far, the Beta looks great and will be of immense help with my work to get the Fogbound RPG ready to go into Kickstarter.
Talking of which…
Fogbound RPG Kickstarter
So I was hoping that the RPG would be going into Kickstarter in August, but as you will no doubt be aware, it’s almost September now. My timeframe has been somewhat stymied by the extra work I’ve had to put in to the novel to get it to a completed First Draft. I felt this was necessary in order to give the RPG project the care and attention it deserves without worrying about competing the novel.
So for everyone out there who has expressed an interest in the RPG, it is coming, it will just be a little later than expected.
Once I have completed writing for the novel and done my initial edit, I will be able to jump back onboard with the RPG giving it the attention it requires to complete.
OK, that’s all for now, so until next time, Be Splendid to one another.
#Steampunk #Fogbound #FogboundFriday