Thought I’d drop you a quick post showing the transformation of an old classic animated D&D to a newly revamped and live action version as a Renault Ad. If you remember Hank, Diana, Presto, Sheila, Eric, Bobby and Uni vs the dreaded Venger and Tiamat, then this might amuse youContinue Reading

ArkZeroNine cover by Gareth Clegg

It’s #FogboundFriday again already. Where does the time go? Main news today is Fogbound had been sent to the Beta Readers and my Editor. That’s it for writing for a while. I’ll just sit back twiddling my thumbs and eating cake. Well, either that, or I’ll pick up on my other novel ArkZeroNine, which is […]

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Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

Well as you’ve probably noticed, It’s not #FogboundFriday but as I have exciting news, what the hell – two posts in two days – unprecedented!

As with the sausage reference of the post, The first draft of Fogbound is complete!Continue Reading

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

It’s #FogboundFriday once again, and today I want to talk about… 98% Complete – The Final Weekend of writing Yes it’s the final weekend of writing on the First Draft. I have just two chapters to complete over the weekend and then it will be into the world of editingContinue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday, and I’ve seen so much new concept art that really fits the Fogbound mould, I thought I’d share a few more images from some of the fantastic artists over on ArtStation.com. Go check them out. IN OTHER NEWS Getting closer to starting the Beta Reader program for theContinue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday, so here’s the latest update.I’m going to be at the Full Steam Ahead event run by @LeedsSteampunkMarket (Why do I want to call that Leeds Steampunk Meerkat? Is it just me? ;o) Anyhow I will be there on the Sat 30th June / Sun 1st July at MiddletonContinue Reading

‘It’s #FogboundFriday yet again, so heres the latest news of what’s happening in the world of Fogbound. Today was a good experiment as I met up with six other members of the Huddersfield Writers Group at a fantastic coffee shop in a suitably inspiring Victorian arcade to do some writing.Continue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday and it’s been a while since the last update in which progress on the novel has been somewhat snail-like. The good news is there is some movement on the Fogbound RPG and it looks like we might be aiming for a Kickstarter project some time around June/July ofContinue Reading

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover.

It’s #FogboundFriday again and I’ve actually managed to get this blog update out on time. Well there’s a first time for everything. The big news of the week is – Prepare Trumpet Fanfare – Fogbound has just hit the halfway stage of first draft. We are officially at 50% completionContinue Reading