It’s #FogboundFriday again already. Where does the time go?
Main news today is Fogbound had been sent to the Beta Readers and my Editor.
That’s it for writing for a while. I’ll just sit back twiddling my thumbs and eating cake.
Well, either that, or I’ll pick up on my other novel ArkZeroNine, which is much more likely. But for Fogbound, I can put my feet up for a while until I start getting feedback from all those lovely folks who chose to jump onto the Beta Program – ah you poor mad fools!
Beta Readers Release
Look out Beta Readers, your review copies are winging their way towards you through the Aethernet. I can see that some of you eager beavers have already opened your email and downloaded the file – good on you.
If you signed up for the Beta Reader programme but haven’t received an email from me, then check your spam folders just in case your email program was a little overzealous.
Professional Edit
The manuscript has also been released to my editor, Fiona, who will begin her appraisal on the 10th Oct and she expects 4 or 5 weeks to turn around her evaluation – so I’ll be holding my breath around the middle of Nov to see how much re-writing I may need to do. It’s both exciting and worrying at the same time.
Did you notice the slight cover change?
I tip my hat to any of you who noticed the new subtitle before getting this far down the post. So, “Empire in Flames” is the current favourite for subtitle. I feel it gives enough to get people interested without giving too much away.
Additional books in the series will follow this naming convention so will be called
- FOGBOUND: subtitle for book two (but hopefully more interesting than that ;o)
- FOGBOUND: subtitle for book three
Hopefully you like the look, if so let me know in a comment, if not, still let me know.
I recently invested in a new piece of software called vellum, which is fantastic. It allows simple control for layout for ebooks and print and it integrates nicely with Scrivener, which I use for writing my books.
It’s Mac only, which suits my book writing process on the old iMac (And no, I’m not talking about the stuff I use to get rid of my hairy legs. I use a razor for that ;o)
It’s really easy to use, but gives access to all the nitty-gritty bits and pieces that I want to ensure the e-book and the printed book will look just like I want them to.
If you are an indie author and do your own e-book production, then check it out. There is a free download available so you can check out the features but can’t save any output. It’s it’s well worth a look.
OK, that’s all for now, so until next time, Be Splendid to one another.
#Steampunk #Fogbound #FogboundFriday