Tokyo Prime

I wanted to talk today about my latest short story called Tokyo Prime.

It’s a sci-fi / cyberpunk setting with supernatural elements inspired from an roleplaying game setting I developed over thirty years ago. During the annual competition for HAC (The Huddersfield Authors Circle) it was voted winner in the Opening 2,000 words of a Novel or Short Story, as well as joint winner over all categories.

I was really pleased with the result, and changed from the initial third person to first person to complete it as a short story. This will eventually become the opening chapter or prologue for a full novel.

I have been playing around with some book cover ideas indicative of the style I like for this work. The images came from various sources on the web and are not meant to be finished works as I have no agreements with the artists who produced these fantastic images.

Let me know what you think and I’ll try and get some sample text up in the near future.

OK, that’s all for now, so until next time, Be Splendid to one another.

#Steampunk #Fogbound #FogboundFriday #Cyberpunk