So those of you with eagle eyes might already have noticed a slight branding change with my Social Media. For those who haven’t, you should be hearing the bells – Shame, shame, shame! Anyhow, I have decided—in my infinite wisdom—that @fogbound1899 has maybe served its purpose. It was always reallyContinue Reading

So I just got Peter McLean’s (@PeteMC666) latest—Priest of Gallows. This is one of my favourite fantasy series of all time but it does leave me with a huge dilemma. I am five chapters into Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir of The Martian fame. I am loving it, loved TheContinue Reading

I know, I know. It’s been ages since my last blog and I have excuses—Really good ones—let me just find where I put them… So apologies if you’ve been waiting and it all went a bit silent – lot’s of other things going on since Sep 2020 and I justContinue Reading