It’s #FogboundFriday and it’s been a while since the last update in which progress on the novel has been somewhat snail-like. The good news is there is some movement on the Fogbound RPG and it looks like we might be aiming for a Kickstarter project some time around June/July of this year.
Fogbound – First Draft – 54%
ArkZeroNine – First Draft – 17%
Fogbound RPG – First Draft – 65%
So as mentioned slow progress on Fogbound the novel, but I’m hoping to be back up to full steam again over the next few days – Huzzah!
Fogbound the roleplaying game is starting to get a bit more momentum though – which is great. I’ve teamed up with a few guys who are helping with ideas and have a successful record with several Kickstarter campaigns which is fantastic as I was a bit worried about my inexperience in that field.
Anyhow we have some new ideas on the format of the game – and it’s looking like it will be a dual format release for both Savage Worlds and its own D100 based system, so hopefully we can get a lot of interest in the project and fund a successful campaign which will primarily fund all the great artwork I want to include in the two books.
Another idea is to include the Fogbound novel as an option in the Kickstarter as an extra or possibly a backing tier – still need to work out the best options for that, but more information will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.
I already have some of the character artwork which is looking great (the Scavenger, Bounty Hunter and Gang Member are shown above), and we’re on with securing a great environmental artist for all the other art in the books.
I’ve also been playing with the layout for the front cover of the RPG which you can see on the left.
It may still change when we get the first environmental art pieces and the fonts aren’t set in stone yet.
But on the whole, I’m really liking the look. If you have any strong views (positive or negative) then let me know your thoughts.
Altered Carbon
Well done Netflix. I really enjoyed the series which I felt stayed close enough to the book and added some new angles which I thought worked well. Looking forward to the next series – shame we are going to lose the lead actor as that sleeves done and dusted. That must be a pain in the ass for the actor though – especially if the series continues to be amazing into future series/books.
Sir Pat Stew
Just had a great night out tis very night to see Sir Patrick Stewart giving a talk in his (almost hometown) of Huddersfield. Fantastic night – really entertaining and a rare glimpse into the background of a pretty private man. But what a great guy – and boy can he provide long, funny and poignant answers to questions…
OK, that’s all for now, so until next time
Be Splendid to one another.
#Steampunk #Fogbound