So I’ve received Fogbound back from my editor and the news is… Drumroll please… Astoundingly good.
Yes, there are a few areas that require looking at, but they are mainly about pacing and the order of some of the early chapters and new character POV’s. All of these I was expecting, and there are some great insights and thoughts that she has raised that made me think about a few of the themes and how they come across.
But wow! I was really impressed with the positive feedback from an industry professional. Maybe I’m not the hack I thought and have half a chance of pulling this writing malarky off…
A big shout out to all the Beta Readers who helped with their comments, and the embarrassing number of typo’s they spotted. I love Beta Readers – you guys are the best…
So what’s next?
What am I up to now then? I hear you ask. Well as you’ve probably guessed from the blog post title, I am ploughing through the pages making edits to my manuscript. Tightening and culling unnecessary verboseness, showing not telling, killing my darlings – the usual writerly stuff we writers are renowned for.
Well, I’m actually making horrible decisions of what I feel needs to stay, and what needs to go. It’s hard work, but fun as the excess is pared back to reveal the succinct and dramatic prose. The direct and to the point story rather than the over embellished flowery toss lol.
It’s a great experience and quite fun in a heart-wrenching sort of way as all that stuff that I thought was amazing in the first draft, fell by the wayside with second draft rewrites and now gets a final polish. How do you spell cathartic? ;o)
A Publication Date?
Well as much as I wanted to get it out by Christmas, I think that boat has well and truly sailed. My new target is for both the ebook and paperback to be available in mid January 2019 with a desperate lurching ultimate no later than end of Jan catchall.
I know what I’ve said about deadlines previously and I am always optomistic, so we’ll see how well I’ve judges this one. But we are at least into the realms of weeks now rather than months!
My next early New Years Resolution – to try and get more regular updates out to everyone. I know, I’ve been a slacker when it comes to posting here, but I can and will do better. Just imagine all the blogging I’ll be able to do once Fogbound is in all the stores and I can concentrate on telling you all about my new book that I’m on with…
Just a minute…I think I force a minor problem there lol.
I have a whole host of new things percolating on the next project front
- Fogbound book 2
- Fogbound the Roleplaying Game
- ArkZeroNine book 1
- Tokyo Prime book 1
Too many ideas, not enough time. I guess I need to ditch the day job.
Maybe it’s time for a Patreon page – but then I’d need to write for that too!!
It’s all a never ending series of choices and compromises, maybe I’ll just run away and join the circus?
OK, that’s all for now, so until next time, Be Splendid to one another.
#Steampunk #Fogbound #FogboundFriday