RPG (Page 2)

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover.

#FogboundFriday missed again. It’s Tues currently and I am appalled at my lack of progress with getting these updates out on Friday as planned. Fogbound: First Draft – 47% ArkZeroNine: First Draft – 17% Fogbound RPG: First Draft – 60% So over the last ten days I have mostly been writing Fogbound. As you can seeContinue Reading

#FogboundFriday again already and here’s the progress update for you. Fogbound – First Draft – 38% ArkZeroNine – First Draft – 17% Fogbound RPG – First Draft – 60% OK so this week has been a little slow so far with two days of no writing – shame, shame, I hear you all shouting. (But IContinue Reading

#FogboundFriday came and went again without an update. Sorry, but it’s only Sunday, I will try better in future. Just to give you an update on Progress on my work. Fogbound First Draft – 34% ArkZeroNine First Draft – 17% Fogbound RPG First Draft – 60% I’ve had a good day today on Fogbound, kicking myContinue Reading

Here’s a look at the cover design that’s been completed so far for the Fogbound Role playing game. As you can see, a very consistent look with the novel at the moment. Not quite sure about the font or whether it should be the same as the novel – CommentsContinue Reading

Here are some example images that depict the style I am looking for in the Fogbound RPG. The image above was a sample of concept art that I applied a red filter and fog to see how it would look with the Fogbound feel of the rolling toxic Red Fog. IContinue Reading