2019 (Page 2)

Thought I’d drop you a quick post showing the transformation of an old classic animated D&D to a newly revamped and live action version as a Renault Ad. If you remember Hank, Diana, Presto, Sheila, Eric, Bobby and Uni vs the dreaded Venger and Tiamat, then this might amuse youContinue Reading

Ok, first off, apologies for how long it’s been since my last post for #FogboundFriday. The main reasons has been the frantic rush to polish the final edit of Fogbound in time to send it off to the Angry Robot Open Submissions window for 2019. Now that’s done – Huzzah!Continue Reading

Just a quick post about how much use I get out of Grammarly when checking my writing. You may be wondering why? We all have access to spell checking and grammar checks too with Microsoft Word and even on Google Docs, so why should I need a specific Grammar checkerContinue Reading

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

So an update on the status of Fogbound, my Steampunk/Sci-Fi Novel. I am finalising the edit with a team of gracious volunteer proof-readers and then it will be winging it’s way around the Literary Agents in an attempt to find someone who sees its potential and want to help withContinue Reading