Fogbound (Page 2)

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

It’s #FogboundFriday again already. Where does the time go? Main news today is Fogbound had been sent to the Beta Readers and my Editor. That’s it for writing for a while. I’ll just sit back twiddling my thumbs and eating cake. Well, either that, or I’ll pick up on my other novel ArkZeroNine, which is […]

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Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

Well as you’ve probably noticed, It’s not #FogboundFriday but as I have exciting news, what the hell – two posts in two days – unprecedented!

As with the sausage reference of the post, The first draft of Fogbound is complete!Continue Reading

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover banner

It’s #FogboundFriday once again, and today I want to talk about… 98% Complete – The Final Weekend of writing Yes it’s the final weekend of writing on the First Draft. I have just two chapters to complete over the weekend and then it will be into the world of editingContinue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday once again, and today I want to talk about… Beta Readers I am looking for people who would like to be involved in the Beta Reading of Fogbound before it goes to final edit and publication. If you are interested in becoming a Beta Reader, all you needContinue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday, and I’ve seen so much new concept art that really fits the Fogbound mould, I thought I’d share a few more images from some of the fantastic artists over on Go check them out. IN OTHER NEWS Getting closer to starting the Beta Reader program for theContinue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday, so here’s the latest update.I’m going to be at the Full Steam Ahead event run by @LeedsSteampunkMarket (Why do I want to call that Leeds Steampunk Meerkat? Is it just me? ;o) Anyhow I will be there on the Sat 30th June / Sun 1st July at MiddletonContinue Reading

‘It’s #FogboundFriday yet again, so heres the latest news of what’s happening in the world of Fogbound. Today was a good experiment as I met up with six other members of the Huddersfield Writers Group at a fantastic coffee shop in a suitably inspiring Victorian arcade to do some writing.Continue Reading

It’s #FogboundFriday and it’s been a while since the last update in which progress on the novel has been somewhat snail-like. The good news is there is some movement on the Fogbound RPG and it looks like we might be aiming for a Kickstarter project some time around June/July ofContinue Reading

Fogbound: Empire in Flames by Gareth Clegg. Steampunk book cover.

It’s #FogboundFriday again and I’ve actually managed to get this blog update out on time. Well there’s a first time for everything. The big news of the week is – Prepare Trumpet Fanfare – Fogbound has just hit the halfway stage of first draft. We are officially at 50% completionContinue Reading